Safety Upgrades

Safety Upgrades

 Window Restrictors

The safety of your young and vulnerable is one of our key areas.   

We can supply & fit restrictors to windows to reduce the amount of free opening.

Door Restrictors

Our door restrictors are best suited to being fitted to outward opening doors, preventing the wind from blowing them back. The arm can be disengaged if required for access. 

Door Safety Buckle 

Our Safety buckle is ideal to compliment your Composite door. It works like a safety chain, reducing the amount of opening of the door leaf. 

Available in a range of finishes.  

French Door Security 

The Ultimate in French door lock security. It provides maximum visibility to show
any would be intruder that the door is
security protected. Even if the door cylinders are attacked the device will remain in place and keep the doors securely locked.  

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